Monday, May 11, 2009

Field Trip to Mid Valley (Dinosaurs and Monsters World/Park)

My school had a field trip to Mid Valley on 11/5/09. 4 primary levels (P6, P5, P4 and P3) went to that trip. So, we went on 7 or 8 buses...In the bus, we had a lot of fun...We walked on the bus and actually kept hitting each other...I recorded some of the fights....since I was bored..No lar, not really fights..HEHE....My partner was Kuan Yew...

After wacking each other on the bus...we actually arrived there faster than we thought...So, we got down and started looking at people in Mid Valley and they looked back at us...We reached the Dinosaurs and Monsters Park. We had to sit there and wait for the other 7 buses. SO we continued talking in wacking...LOL! After the other 7 buses reached Mid Valley, we(P6) went in 1st. We were also given a question paper each. Me and Kuan Yew teamed up and looked for the answers together. After looking at some dinosaurs and insects, we went back to where we sat and was actually given a small cup of Vico! It was actually quite tasty!Me and Dennis took pictures of each other and this are a few of them..

After that, we listened to a person who worked in that place about what we saw and stuff...We could answer questions and was awarded a prize...

So, after that, we ate McD's Ice cream..HEHE..We went back to the bus after that...and I video taped more...hehe

Adrian :

Friday, May 1, 2009

Things I have to say and Logos

HAHA...I'm bored AGAIN! Man, do I have a life?...Of course, I do!!! WOOHOO!!

I have somethings I have to say to some people, I just keep forgetting, sheesh....LOL..The weird thing is when I'm bored, I make up some random poem/song/words and guess what?..It rhymes, have a good tune and have nice words but I JUST KEEP bored...

Maybe I should have put the title to 'Forgetful Ashton'..LOL


You know for Christmas, there is holidays right? So, on Christmas Eve, me and my cousins, from Australia and Malaysia, come to visit us(for Australia), but the ones in Malaysia, are cool and rich. Normally for Christmas Eve, our parents ask us to do a performance. We normally do a comedy or either sing but at the end is the best...We do our LOGO or whatever...Our logo or whatever is

'What to eat?What t eat?Chicken rice...Chicken rice...Where to eat?Where to eat?The Chicken Rice Shop, of course...The Chicken Rice ShOoOoOp, Chicken Rice and More..puak, puak, puak, puak....'

and yes we do this EVERY YEAR!!!

Songs I know

Firstly, I wrote this blog cause I'm bored. These are some of the songs I know :

Less than 5 songs I know from song artists
Secret Valentine-We the Kings/We are the Kings
Check Yes Juliet-We the Kings/We are the Kings
Love Story-Taylor Swift
Too Close for Comfort-McFly
Rooftops-Lost Prophets
Last Train Home-Lost Prophets
Sanctuary-Utada Hikaru
Simple and Clean-Utada Hikaru

Instrumental Songs
Kingdom Hearts songs
Dearly Beloved
Organization XIII
Old Friends, Old Villains
Working Together
Lazy Afternoon
One Winged Angel

One Wing Angel-Final Fantasy(Advert Children)

Bands that have a Lot of Songs(I lazy right cause to many)
Boys like Girls
Jonas Brothers
Secondhand Serenade
SImple Plan
Linkin Park
Click Five

Most of these songs I found out from my brothers(Mostly Ian) and some of my friends like Zen and Kuan Yew! These people have good taste in songs.