Friday, May 1, 2009

Things I have to say and Logos

HAHA...I'm bored AGAIN! Man, do I have a life?...Of course, I do!!! WOOHOO!!

I have somethings I have to say to some people, I just keep forgetting, sheesh....LOL..The weird thing is when I'm bored, I make up some random poem/song/words and guess what?..It rhymes, have a good tune and have nice words but I JUST KEEP bored...

Maybe I should have put the title to 'Forgetful Ashton'..LOL


You know for Christmas, there is holidays right? So, on Christmas Eve, me and my cousins, from Australia and Malaysia, come to visit us(for Australia), but the ones in Malaysia, are cool and rich. Normally for Christmas Eve, our parents ask us to do a performance. We normally do a comedy or either sing but at the end is the best...We do our LOGO or whatever...Our logo or whatever is

'What to eat?What t eat?Chicken rice...Chicken rice...Where to eat?Where to eat?The Chicken Rice Shop, of course...The Chicken Rice ShOoOoOp, Chicken Rice and More..puak, puak, puak, puak....'

and yes we do this EVERY YEAR!!!